This is my life...a series of dreams come true on a daily basis. Join me as I run down my dream - maybe you will find your dream in the process.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


A couple of months ago, I started a new career as working for an insurance agent. When I went for my initial interview, I mentioned that I had taken Spanish since 7th grade and, at one time, been fairly capable of communicating in said language. Needless to say, my boss was excited to tap into the quite large Hispanic market we have here in East Tennessee.

Anyway, I have not spoken it since my college days, so I decided to purchase the Rosetta Stone Spanish program to help me bush up on my Spanish language skills. I was quite rusty.

I have made it though the first four units, and I am amazed at how quickly things are coming back to me! I feel like I can read and write quite well, but the listening and speaking comprehension is still lagging behind. What I really need is to find a native Spanish speaker to practice on. Thinking of trying Craig's List to see if anyone would be willing to practice their English on me, while I practice my Spanish on them. Just thinking...

Miss Scarlett is starting Mandarin again with a private tutor. We felt it was important that she know her native tongue and be able to speak a second language. The cool part is, we have to learn it with her so we can help her practice it. We are so excited!

I'll have to let you know if the R.S. program is as good as a tutor. I suspect it is not, but have hope that it will come close!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Kindergarten Preparedness

We signed Miss Scarlett up for kindergarten this week. It was Roundup time here in our neck of the woods. We all went to the school house to take a tour, meet the teachers, principal, and generally just check things out. Miss Scarlett received a nice little packet of markers, flash cards, a Scholastic book, and other goodies from the school. It was very nice.

What we were NOT prepared for, was the list of things that we had to supply at the beginning of the school year. Things that we NEVER had to bring when I was in school. Here is a sampling of what we need:

2 large boxes of Kleenex
Mr. Clean Magic Erasers
Expo Dry Erase Markers
Band Aids
Zip Lock bags
headphones for computer time

This isn't even half the list. I mean, what's up with all this? All we had to bring when I was in kindergarten was a dime for milk and a towel with our name on it for nap time. I guess it is just a sign of the times. We pay more and more money in taxes to help fund the schools, but it seems that is not enough anymore.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Thinking of a new hairstyle

So today I was thinking: I need a new hairstyle. My hair is about shoulder-length and fine. It also has a lot of natural curl. Maybe I need to find some hairstyle magazines. What I'd really like to find is one of those free sites that allow you to upload a photo and try different styles out. That would be cool.

I haven't changed my hairstyle since probably 2000 when I went through my short and sassy stage. It is back to how I wore it in college...freestyle.

So it is time.

Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!

Ok, so the title shows my age. Miss Scarlett went to Build-A-Bear. If you have a kid in your life under the age of 12, you know all about B-A-B. The kids get to stuff and dress a stuffed critter of their choice. The animal itself is not all that pricey, but the accessories are what get ya.

Anyway, Miss Scarlett was playing around with the box her bear came in (note: the BOX, NOT the bear). She decided she was a robot. So, she went around all day saying, "I am a robot...I am a robot."

So I guess it is true. You can buy your kids anything under the sun...price being no object. What will they do? They will play with the box. Sigh...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Today, I was awakened by the sweetest gift ever, my daughter Scarlett. Nothing can compare to the joy of being a mother. Nothing. Every day, I thank God for the gift of allowing me (me!) to have the privilege of being a mother to my daughter.

Although my husband and daughter has bought me a book, made a card, brought breakfast to me, and treated me like queen all day, it all paled beside just holding my kiddo.

May you have a wonderful and blessed Mothers Day.