This week was a busy but fun week for the kids. It was Vacation Bible School at our church, and lots of fun was to be had, as well as some teaching about Jesus. The theme for the week was The Victory Train. Basically the children learned about the story of Joshua where he and the Children of Israel marched around Jericho and God had the walls tumble down.
Wednesday night,Scarlett was intently listening to our youth pastor, Brother Joel, explain how we were all sinners and that the price for sin was death and eternal separation from God. However, because God loved us so much, He sent His only Son to pay that price for us. And we don't have to do a thing but accept the Gift of Grace.
After Joel explained all of this (and I so wish I had been in the sanctuary and not in the nursery), he asked if any of the kids wanted to give their hearts to Jesus. I am so happy to say that our sweet, precious Scarlett went forward!
After the evening was over, Scarlett came bouncing out of her class absolutely giddy and wearing a sticker that said, "Ask me about my decision!" When we asked her about her sticker, she just smiled kind of shyly and asked, "Were you in the sanctuary this evening? Did you hear Brother Joel ask if anyone wanted to ask Jesus into their heart? Well, Mommy, I did! I asked Jesus into my heart."
Please join us as we celebrate the best decision Scarlett will ever make!