This is my life...a series of dreams come true on a daily basis. Join me as I run down my dream - maybe you will find your dream in the process.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Junk room update...

You remember that resolve I had earlier last month to tackle the junk room? Well, I broke down and bought some really cool shelving to help control the clutter. The shelves are Closetmaid's "nine-cube" units in cherry finish that I can also put collapsible bins into. I have one set of the shelves together already. I can see a definite improvement by placing some of the smaller items (toys, craft supplies, etc.) placed in the bins

I also had to get a handle on what to do with all the various sized kids' clothes that have been handed down. There is not much room in Miss Scarlett's closet, but I did manage to add the larger sizes to those already in the closet. I plan to save some of my favorites of the items she's outgrown and sell the rest at consignment.

As you can tell, I have not made my self-imposed deadline to a clean room, but I am getting closer. Little by little, I will get it done!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Overheard in the kitchen...

Daddy: What are you doing?

Miss Scarlett: I am practicing for my job.

Daddy: What job?

Miss Scarlett: I am going to be an art teacher.

Daddy: An art teacher?

Miss Scarlett: Yup, because I know how to do a lot of art. Did you know scissors can't cut staples?

Friday, January 23, 2009

Time to plan the garden!

We just received our first plant catalog. The variety of vegetables, flowers, trees and shrubs available are simply amazing! I love devouring these catalogs and planning my springtime garden. I go through each catalog several times, listing certain items that I want to consider, then changing my mind and picking others. I am excited to get Miss Scarlett involved in planning our garden.

I am considering planting several cool weather crops: lettuce, peas, snow peas, cucumbers, broccoli, and maybe some cabbage. Miss Scarlett thinks that oranges would be a good crop (sorry dear, not here!), as would watermelon and cantaloupe. We may start some plants early in our sun room until last frost has passed. I think we can try the watermelon and cantaloupe.

We had our first adventure in gardening last summer/fall with our four-square raised bed garden. Some things were successful...others not so much. We learned that we don't grow good corn. We do well with pole beans, cucumbers, and tomatoes. We did great with tomatoes! We will definitely try those again this year. There is nothing like a home-grown tomato.

So we are perusing our plant catalogs with a fine toothed comb. We may even try some weird exotic flower or some herbs. I think we need another four-square...

Chinese New Year at Daycare

We have helped Miss Scarlett's daycare learn and celebrate Chinese culture ever since we've been there. This year is no different. We have a full itinerary of fun things to do on Monday to celebrate the Spring Festival (also known as Chinese New Year). Here is our "menu".

Pick up 10 Cheerios with chopsticks...first one done wins a Chinese change purse
Create a foam Chinese New Year scene with foam stickers
Read a book called "My First Chinese New Year"
Make a foam dragon complete with sequins
Red envelopes

We are generally given only 45 minutes or so to do this, so we are grateful for the opportunity to help others learn a little bit about China and its culture. Miss Scarlett can't wait to show her classmates how to use chopsticks. While she is at it, she may even teach her mama how to use them!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Yep, it's strep...

Friday morning, I woke up a little tired. That's not unusual as I often get up during the night to soothe bad dreams for Miss Scarlett or spray for monsters. We were headed to my sister-in-law's for a long weekend of fun and relaxation, which we were greatly looking forward to.

By the time we arrived after a 6 hour trip, I was exhausted. I chalked it up to traveling. Little did I know. The next morning I awoke to a sore throat. Not a BAD sore throat, but the kind you have when you have a lot of sinus drainage. Said sore throat has lasted 5 days now. The verdict: Strep throat.

I've never had strep to my knowledge, so I had no idea what to expect. I figured from hearing others that it was so painful that you couldn't eat, sleep, drink, etc. But it doesn't feel any worse than other sore throats I've experienced. Either my pain tolerance is high (which I doubt, because I am a major weenie), or I have a mild case.

So I am enjoying pampering myself during this time. I have some delicious hot teas, hubby made some yummy soup, a new book (all about Emily Post), and Miss Scarlett has gone to her Mammaw's to spend a day or two while I get over the contagious stage. Sometimes being sick is almost as like a mental health day.

Now if I could only find my favorite tv show on a marathon (NCIS)...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

I'm not doing well...

Nope, I am not doing well at all on actually working on that beast of a room. In fact, I have not done much of anything to it in about a week! This weekend has flown by without me making in there to work on it. There is really no excuse. I just didn't do it. I could have shoe-horned in a half-hour here and there a few times. Just didn't do it.

Now I have this feeling that I will fail at making my month-end deadline I set for myself. And I don't like it. Not one bit! What I need is for my family to go on vacation without me for about a week so I can have one massive purging of stuff...mine and theirs!

Part of the incentive is that I want to be able to move through that room again. The other incentive is that I'd like to have a bedroom ready, just in case.

I'd better get busy. No time like the present!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Mission: Get Organized!

Every New Year, I resolve to get my house in order. I mean, really get organized! Will 2009 be my year to finally reach that goal? Oh, I hope so!

My biggest disorganized mess seems to be in our spare bedroom, which right now serves as a catch-all junk room. It is a disaster! And I am not kidding. I basically crawl over clothes that are too small/too big, toys that are no longer played with, suitcases, a guitar that hasn't been played in years (I mean to play sometime when I have time), scrapbook stuff that has taken over (ditto on time), and who-knows-whatall.

I need help. I need organizational tips. I need encouragement. But most of all, I need to get rid of stuff.

Ever seen "Clean House" with Niecy Nash? I love that show! I love how she talks people into letting go of things that are really cluttering up not only their homes, but their lives. Stuff can suck the life right out of you. Just the day to day energy that it takes to go past that room and groan, "I have got to do something with this place! Not to say that this room is the only room that needs organizing. All my house could use a good organizational sweep. But this room is the one out of control. The other rooms are all relatively neat and clean.

So, I am publicly resolving to get this room in order by the end of January. I will post a photo of the finished room on my blog to show accountability. Will you help encourage me in this endeavor? I will surely need it! Thanks!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Why January 1st?

Why does January 1st have such a connotation of new beginnings, resolutions, fresh starts, etc.? Why January 1st? Why not May 3rd or September 27th? What is so magically special about that day over any of the other 354 days of the year?

Is it because it is the first day of a year? What happens if you wake up January 1st and break your resolution before you even remember you made it? Are you doomed to stay in that rut for the rest of the year until the next January 1st, or can you get a "do-over"?

The ancient Babylonians believed that whatever you did on the first day of the year would have an effect on your entire year. But what if you carried this belief through to every day of the year? What if you treated each new day as an opportunity to start fresh. What if you want to take the "old" you and be made into a "new" being?

We can have this new creation...this new beginning, if you will. We are promised that, "If anyone belongs to Christ, there is a new creation. The old things have gone; everything is made new!" (NCV Bible 2 Cor 5:17 ) I urge you, that if you have not already been made a new creation, to not tarry any longer. As stated in 2 Cor 6:1-2..."Today is the day of salvation. Don't let let this grace (gift) that you have received from God be for nothing. " What a thing to affect your entire year...and more importantly, your very life! Christ came to blot out our sins and give us a new life. Without Him, we would be nothing but walking dead. With Him, we are new men, women and children. We've been given a "do-over", so to speak. Let's make it count!

I pray that everyone will have a wonderful and blessed 2009. I also pray that if you have not received this precious gift, that you not wait any longer. Start the year 2009 as a new creation. If you want to know more or just want to talk about how Christ can change your life, email me or leave a comment. I promise you that I will not judge or condemn.

May God bless you, and have a Happy New Year!